Welcome Back!
We had a very good day back from vacation. We started reading our story Big Bushy Mustache. We are working on our fluency in reading a story.
Don't forget Friday is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:20. Students will need to have read their library AR books by Wednesday. Students will get a new book on Wednesday. This is part of a students grade. We played crash with phrases from our story.
Today in math we worked on venn diagrams. Students had to place their name on the graphic organizer. They had to decide if they like peas or carrots or both. We also bought from our paper stores. Students added 2 or 3 two digit numbers together.
We wrote about our weekend. Students were to add two comparisons in their stories. Follow are some of the comparisons used:
When we ate I was as hungry as a mouse. I was as fat as a pig. There house was as high as stars in the sky. The bed's are as green as the grass. And the turkey was like a full pig. My uncle's house is white as a ghost.
They did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnson Journal
Monday, November 28, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
For next week we will be working on the following:
Unit 14
sea, week, eat, beef, neat, need, seat, seem, read, seen
Spelling test will NOW be given on
Challenge SPELLING words
Unit 14
sea, week, eat, beef, neat, need, seat, seem, read, seen
Spelling test will NOW be given on
Challenge SPELLING words
easy, street, beaver, stream, teach
We will be identifying a.m. and p.m., noon, midnight, and dozen and half dozen. We will also add three two-digit numbers. Students will learn to read a thermometer to the nearest 2 degrees.
Study your subtraction and addition facts!
This week we will be reading Big Bushy Mustache. We will be working on prediction and problem solving. We will be summarizing our story after we sequence events. Student fill out a graphic organizer on every story.
Vocabulary words are:
bushy, costume, disguise, handsome, mirror, mustache
Friday is a half day because of the Inservice for teachers in the afternoon.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Thanksgiving week!
This week we will NOT have spelling words.
This week we will be learning about popcorn. We will do many related activities including reading popcorn poetry and stories.
This week we will be learning about popcorn. We will do many related activities including reading popcorn poetry and stories.
We will also spend time reading about Thanksgiving. Our class will work on reading skills such as comprehension and fluency.
Our Power Word is FLUFFY.
Do not forget to read library books at home. The books work for Book It, too!
We will be still working on our addition regrouping.
Some students are having trouble with adding facts.
Study your subtraction and addition facts!
Have a happy Thanksgiving Vacation.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Newspaper for the week of November 14th
Unit 13
safe, day, rain, say, play, ate, stay, save, may, wait
Spelling test will NOW be given on
Challenge SPELLING words
stain, daisy, spray, plate, raisin
This week we will be reading from books at school. We will be reading the story Arthur’s Pet Business. We are working on our vocabulary… phone, earned, allowed, special, care, and work.
Students will also work on finding details and summarizing what they have read.
Our Power Word is responsible.
We will be using addition algorithms to solve addition problems. We will be receiving flash cards for subtraction. Students will learn about Venn diagrams. We will learn to compare and contrast what we like.
Friday, November 04, 2005
November 4, 2005
Homework:Students need to do questions on page 290 of their reader. There are five questions and an extra credit at the bottom of the page.
Our Day:
Students have a fact sheet and side B homework sheet. The power word (assist) needs to have one last sentence for the week.
Today we worked on fluency in reading. We had to finish leftover work from yesterday.
During math class students learned about fractions. We also read our monster stories aloud.
Our day ended with us listening to the story "Alphathoughts".
I will put our weekly Johnson Journal in here tomorrow!
Johnson Journal for 11/7
all, king, talk, said, small, some,walk, been,call, does, glad, have, grass, late, plant, joke, front, fire, class, cute, bank, base, sing, long, drink
No Personal Speller this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov. 9 Teacher In-Service Day– dismissed at 12:20
Be sure your child has a coat for cooler and rainy days!
This week we will be reading a story about a policeman and his dog. It is called Officer Buckle and Gloria. Students will work on r– controlled vowels such as ar, or, and ore. Students will discuss realism and fantasy in our story. We will also talk about cause and effect. We will still work on alphabetical order to the third letter and writing complete sentences.
Students will start working on our subtraction facts. Everyone will work on a Wrap-up and lay out set of flash cards at school daily. Please work on flash cards nightly. Our first work on subtraction is subtracting 0. Students will learn that congruent shapes are shapes that are the same size and shape. We will also start to work on two digit addition.
Students need to know there facts to work two digit addition!
PE- 1:25-2:05
Art- 2:10-2:50
Music- 1:25-2:05
Computer 9-9:30
Library 1:10
PE- 1:25-2:05
Music- 1:25-2:05
Computer 10:05-10:25
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
November 2, 2005
Math:Today students learned about column addition. We learned to look for two numbers that add to 10 before adding. Then add only two numbers at a time.
We play Vocabulary Bingo with our vocabulary words. We also found Main Idea and details in a story.
Students went to library to get a new book. They need to read this book several times. Many students came in today and had not read their library book from last week. Remember this is a grade. Next week we will not have library due to an Inservice. Students will have two weeks to get their books read and a test taken. We do have computer on Wednesday mornings to take these test.
Tomorrow is our spelling test. Students need to study!
Do not forget to study flash cards. Let me know if they are missing!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
November 1,2005
We are having a great year.
Students are working hard on the variety of skill that are being taught.
Spelling: test on Thursday-Unit 11
Personal Speller words:
phone, crate, stripe, plate, those
This week we are reading a story called A Trip To The Firehouse. Students are learning about the job of a fireman. We are also working on vocabulary words to go with the story. Students are learning to bring up details from the story and to sequence these details. We are still working on alphabetical order to the third letter. Sound Bingo was played on the placement of the ch, th, and sh in a word. Students had to determine where the sound is located to cover up a word.Math:
Games are being used to practice math facts at school. We play games called Tens, Seven Sevens, Dominoes, and Paper Clip Game. We are also practicing at home.
This week we have learned to draw a number line and place points on this line. We put polygons on geoboards and then found angles on these shapes.