Monday, November 28, 2005

Welcome Back!

We had a very good day back from vacation. We started reading our story Big Bushy Mustache. We are working on our fluency in reading a story.

Don't forget Friday is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:20. Students will need to have read their library AR books by Wednesday. Students will get a new book on Wednesday. This is part of a students grade. We played crash with phrases from our story.

Today in math we worked on venn diagrams. Students had to place their name on the graphic organizer. They had to decide if they like peas or carrots or both. We also bought from our paper stores. Students added 2 or 3 two digit numbers together.

We wrote about our weekend. Students were to add two comparisons in their stories. Follow are some of the comparisons used:
When we ate I was as hungry as a mouse. I was as fat as a pig. There house was as high as stars in the sky. The bed's are as green as the grass. And the turkey was like a full pig. My uncle's house is white as a ghost.

They did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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