Thank you to the parents for signing the homework sheets.
You should have seen a green sheet that shows me your child is practicing his/her flash cards. Students need to practice daily, so this will help get them excited about doing it!
Just initial the sheet for each day.
Students will hand it in every Tuesday to collect play money for the days they have practiced. Thank you for this help at home.
Students will hand it in every Tuesday to collect play money for the days they have practiced. Thank you for this help at home.
Please take time to study your spelling words daily.
Spelling Words
Week 3
hit, fill, will, wind, miss, milk, win, hill, bill, fit
Test on Friday!
Writers Workshop
Students are learning to put their thoughts into sentences and use a capital at the beginning and a period at the end of the sentence. We are practicing daily on where to place capitals and periods in a given story.
This week we will be identifying and sorting common geometric shapes by attributes, draw pictures and write number sentences for some, some more and went away stories, and divide a shape in half.
Keep up the great work
on homework!
We will reading a story called Ronald Morgan Goes To Bat. This is a story that shows practice helps improve skills in baseball. We will relate this to our homework and other things we want to do well.
We will work on sequencing events and story maps. DonÂt forget to practice Power Reads and Vocabulary words. Just practice say the words.